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Antiquarian and Collectors’ Books

Tuesday, 15th May 2018
Commencing at 13:30

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LOT 3170
LOT 3170
[HARRISSE, Henry.] Notes on [Christopher] Columbus. New York: privately printed, 1866. Limited edition of 99 copies, this out of series, small folio (313 x 189mm.) Initials printed in red throughout, 13 mounted albumen-print photographs, tipped-in pamphlet 'Letter of Christopher Columbus… text in fac-simile. New York. 1875' to rear. (Occasional light browning, spotting to first and last few leaves.) Near contemporary marbled calf gilt, by J. Leighton, the covers bordered in gilt, the spine in six compartments with raised bands, lettering pieces to second, third and fifth compartments, the others with repeat decoration in gilt (rubbing to bottom edge). Provenance: Robert Milnes-Crewe (bookplate, presentation inscription from Samuel L.M. Barlow to preliminary blank dated 'New York Nov. 1875', and a 2pp. a.l.s. tipped-in at rear); The West Horsley Place Collection.
Hammer Price: £550
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Buyer’s Premium is an additional charge on each lot sold, currently this is set at 24.5% plus VAT (29.4% including VAT) of the hammer price.
LOT 3174
LOT 3174
THE TATLER. - [Joseph ADDISON and Sir Richard STEELE]. The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff Esq. London: printed and sold by John Morphew, 1710-1711. 2 vols. in 1, folio (345 x 208mm.) Portrait frontispiece, bound in at issue number 50 a contemporary hand-written 2pp. of the dedication to Sir Edward Wortley Montague that was printed in the 2nd vol. of the octavo edition, also a 9pp. hand-written copy of the dedication and preface to the 3rd vol. of the octavo edition at number 189, also at rear a 7pp. hand-written copy of the 'motto's' of the 5th vol. of the 12mo edition. (Browning and moderate spotting.) Near contemporary panelled calf, red morocco lettering piece to the spine (scuffing and bumped to extremities). Note: Steele and Addison were writing The Tatler until issue 271, thereafter it was continued by others until issue 331. This edition has 331 numbered issues. Provenance: Robert Milnes-Crewe (bookplate to the front pastedown); The West Horsley Place Collection.
Hammer Price: £1,300
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Buyer’s Premium is an additional charge on each lot sold, currently this is set at 24.5% plus VAT (29.4% including VAT) of the hammer price.
LOT 3175
LOT 3175
INCUNABULA. - Giovanni BOCCACCIO. Explicit compendiu[m] Ioha[n]nis Boccacii de Certaldo. quod de preclaris mulieribus ac fama[m] p[er]petuam edidit feliciter [or De Mulieribus Claris]. [N.p. but Strasbourg: n.d. but circa 1474-1475, Polain dates no later than 1479.] Folio (290 x 203mm.) 165pp. of text printed in the Husner type with red initials and occasional red rules, two to six line spaces for capitals, with guide letters in nearly all cases, one leaf with ink marginalia depicting a hand pointing to the manuscript words 'Amoris preludia'. (Some spotting and browning, minor marginal damp-staining, one leaf torn with minor loss to margin.) Mid-19th century blue half-morocco, by White of Pall Mall dated 1850, the spine in six compartments with raised bands, lettered in the second, third and fourth compartments, the others blank (extremities scuffed). Note: title provided from the colophon, imprint from the ISTC, although an incorrect date is given on the binding. 'Concerning Famous Women' is notable as the first collection devoted exclusively to biographies of women in Western literature. Provenance: Robert Milnes-Crewe (bookplate to front pastedown); The West Horsley Place Collection.
Hammer Price: £5,000
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Buyer’s Premium is an additional charge on each lot sold, currently this is set at 24.5% plus VAT (29.4% including VAT) of the hammer price.
LOT 3177
LOT 3177
BIBLIOMANIA. Frontispieceana, or a Collection of Engraved Frontispieces, Title-pages, &c &c &c Extracted from Various Works Auntient and Modern. Common and Uncommon and now faithfully digested into one. Tomblands, Ipswich: 1816 [but contents 16th to early 19th century]. Large 4to (321 x 242mm.) Manuscript title-page and dedication, 12pp. of manuscript introductory text, illustrated with approximately 325 title-pages, frontispieces, head and tail pieces, printer's devices, illustrations and decorative initials from various works on 201 leaves. Contemporary half-calf (worn, covers detached). Note: the volume includes an early woodcut of a witch flying on a broomstick on p.42, two folding posters advertising R. Ackermann publications with hand-coloured illustrations on p.178 and p.190, three early illuminated decorative initials on p.191 and another on p.195. Provenance: The West Horsley Place Collection.
Hammer Price: £5,000
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Buyer’s Premium is an additional charge on each lot sold, currently this is set at 24.5% plus VAT (29.4% including VAT) of the hammer price.
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