LOT 3098
24th April 2024

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Condition Report X
LOT 3098
BACON, Nathaniel and John SELDEN (attrib.) An Historicall Discourse of the Uniformity of the Government of England, the First Part. From the first Times till the Reigne of Edward the third. London: for Matthew Walbancke, 1647-1651 [but 1672.] 4to (183 x 128mm.) In 2 parts, title to each part with a woodcut border, ‘Tables’ to rear of both parts. (Browning throughout, upper margin to several leaves trimmed, minor marginal insect damage D1-E4 of second part, some damp-staining O1-P2 of first part.) Near contemporary panelled calf (rebacked, endpapers replaced, extremities rubbed). Note: Nathaniel Bacon was the half-brother of Francis Bacon and a Republican sympathiser. This reprint was secretly issued in 1672, after the restoration of Charles II, and is identifiable by the alteration of the printer’s name on the second title page. A hugely influential and persuasive work that was continually reprinted but suppressed by the Royalists.
Hammer price: £160
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