LOT 3183
26th July 2022

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Condition Report X
LOT 3183
ORIGEN. - Elie BOUHÉREAU (translator). Traite D' Origéne Contre Celse. Ou Défence de la Religion Chrétienne contre les accusations des Paiens. Amsterdam: Henry Desbordes, 1700. 4to (243 x 188mm.) Engraved frontispiece, 'Table des Matiéres' and 4pp. errata to rear. (Browning, occasional spotting, frontispiece adhering to endpaper, lacking blanks.) Contemporary calf (rebacked, endpapers replaced). Provenance: Mrs Hannah More (gift inscribed to on the title-page); Graham Wenman (card mounted to front pastedown). - And a further seventeen volumes in French related to history and religion (including Sieur de Moleon's [Jean Baptiste Le Brun des Marettes] 'Voyages Liturgiques de France ou Recherches', 1718, 8vo) (18).
Hammer price: £150
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