LOT 3161
26th July 2022

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LOT 3161
REISKE, Jakob J. Animadversionum ad Graecos Avctores Volvmen Primum qvo Diodorus Siculus, et Ambo Diones, Chrysostomus et Cassius, Pertractantur. Leipzig: Litteris Loeperianis, 1757-1763. 4 vols., 8vo (187 x 118mm.) Titles, engraved headpieces. (Browning, light spotting to preliminaries.) 19th century brown diced morocco, armorial gilt and borders to upper covers, gilt turn-ins (some loss to spine ends, rubbing). Note: scarce. Provenance: 'S.M.M' (initials in gilt to upper covers); Robert Smith (armorial oval bookplate to front pastedowns). - And a further eleven volumes in Latin (including another volume by Jakob J. Reiske 'Coniecturae in lobum et Proverbia Salomonis', 1779, 8vo, and Herodotus' 'Historiarum Libri 8', 1678, 8vo, and Flavius Vegetus Renatus' 'Veteres de re Militari Scriptores quotquot extant, nunc prima vice in unum redacti corpus', 1670, 8vo) (15).
Hammer price: £50
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