LOT 3183
21st February 2017

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LOT 3183
NAVAL LOG. A manuscript log book, circa 1815-1816, by an unidentified hand while stationed at St Helens and Port Royal, Jamaica, detailing correspondence, signals, remarks and occurrences. Note: an interesting log, possibly by the Commander in Chief of Jamaica 1815-1816, covering the period directly after the War of 1812 against the United States of America, with a brief synopsis of all correspondence. Included in the entries for sent letters are the following: 20th January 1816 'Order to Captain Bligh of the Araxes to receive on board a proportion of the 5th West India Regiment and proceed to Nassau returning without delay with part of the 2nd West Indian Reg't to this anchorage...', 27th January 1816 'Letter to the Admiralty respecting Sir Alex'r Cochrane's appointing Officers to the vacancies occasioned by Captain Langford's death, thencely doing an injustice to me and the officers under my command on the Jamaica Station...', 10th February 1816 'Order to Captains Sykes and Jackson of the Variable & Carnation to receive on board each vessel a company of the 60th Regt with their baggage &c and proceed to Port Antonio with them', and 22nd February 1816 'Letter to Don Salvador de Moxo, Governor of Caraccas remonstrating with him on the severity of the treatment of the Spanish Authorities towards British Subjects'.
Hammer price: £1,200
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