LOT 931
9th September 2015

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Condition Report X
LOT 931
An Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, Victorian issue, to '93. Corpl G. Oak. 67th Foot' (traces of brooch mounting to the reverse, suspension replaced), an Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, Victorian issue, to '3446 Wm. Oake, 67th Foot' (traces of brooch mounting to the reverse, suspension replaced), an Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, Victorian issue, disc only, renamed to 'Qr Mr Sergt W. Crawford. 41st Foot', and an Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, George V issue, to '7579172 S.Sjt. E.Burton. R.A.O.C' (impaired condition, has possibly previously been in a fire).
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